
A trip to Ermanovec will embrace your heart with joy. Do not believe us? Take the journey and see for yourself ...

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A village filled with nativity scenes during the Christmass time

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When the weather is nice and clear, a trip to Križna Gora will be truly unforgetable.

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Hiking spot which lays more than 1000 meters above see level

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Visit the most eastern parts of Slovenia and take a look on the rich vineyards and flat landscape of Pannonian Basin from the Vinarium Tower.

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Above the Moravška valley, there is a peak of Limbarska Gora, which is only 30 km away from Ljubljana.

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One of the rare mountain tops with a dissabled friendly hut

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Discover the magical autumn colours of the outskirts of Primorska region.

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Tokratni izlet nas vodi najprej po Laškem, nato do naselja Šmihel s cerkvico sv. Mihaela in preko Kuretnega nazaj v Laško. Nato sledi glavni del izleta na Šmohor do planinske koče ter cerkve sv. Mohorja. Tretji del izleta nas popelje v Liboje k zanimivi cerkvici sv. Neže na osvežitveni fontani piva v Žalec.

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